Welcome to Pirate's Faith.
Please take a moment to look around
I'd like it a lot if feedback was left.
Thank you <3
The year is unknown, there is a constant battle between the Royals and the Pirates.
But who really are the bad guys? Most pirates avoid the Royals and hunt for hidden treasure,
where most Royals spend their time tracking down Pirates.
Either way the constant battle continues, The pirates fight amongst themselves to
be the most feared pirates. The Royals fight to be the best Pirate hunter of them all.
Battle rage everywhere, yet people seem fine with this. There is no end in sight.
To make matters worse a few groups of pirates have gotten angry and
gone as far as stealing women from the towns and taking them hostage.
The Royals are not pleased and sparks are flying. The bounty on any pirates head has gone up. And the price willing to pay for one that kidnapped a women is amazingly high!
But the fun doesn't end there, the pirates are all on a race to find the pieces of a map to "Vendamina" A small island said to hold more riches then a man could fathom.
They just have to find it. This along with lots of other 'treasure holding islands'
has kept a lot of pirates busy and away from the Royals land.
But still.. there are always the few trouble makers.
Which side will you chose?


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Here is where everything about the board will be posted

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Moderator: Ellen

Sub-board: Help Subjects

8 11 Re: ~Plot~
by Ellen
Jan 1, 2009 11:05:23 GMT -7
No New Posts First Port

Are you new here?
Well come on in here, you will post your profile and there will be a few help aids here as well.

Please Read.

Moderator: Ellen

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5 7 Ellen Bostic
by Ellen
Jan 6, 2009 20:01:35 GMT -7
No New Posts Lost at sea

Lost? Well come here mate! Well be more then happy to help ye.

~guest friendly~

Moderator: Ellen

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No New Posts Talk over a drink o' rum

Talk about whatever you like here. =) also feel free to use this bored to advertise.

~Guest Friendly~

Moderator: Ellen

Sub-board: Advertise

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No New Posts Yo Ho, Yo ho, A Captains Life for me

Here is were all the nifty admin stuff will go =D yaaay!

Moderator: Ellen

3 4

Sweet Open Sea

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No New Posts Devils Hole

Here is the first island the pirates ever took hold of. I'd be wary goin here if ye ain't a pirate.

Moderator: Ellen

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No New Posts Collis

This island was the second to be taken by the pirates. The best and richest tavern is located here. If ye lookin for a pirate ship to join, here be the place to look.

Moderator: Ellen

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No New Posts Island of Nepal

This was the last one to be taken over. It's the cleanest of them all and not many inhabit it. Rumor has it that somewhere on that island is the buried treasure of some old pirate... But where?

Moderator: Ellen

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Fight for your land!

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No New Posts Staga

This is the second smallest island the Royals hold. It is also home to the most important people. Security is hard and the ships are strong, but if you break threw you might be able to get some fine jewels... or even a hostage.

Moderator: Ellen

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No New Posts Mesha

Mesha is the smallest island the Royals hold. It isn't of much importance other then its where they try to move all the civilians if Pirates start to take over.

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No New Posts Senatra

Here is Senatra. Its the main supply place for the Royals, Security isn't that high near the edges where the shops are located so a pirate could easily walk up and get supplies for the ship. However, as it starts to turn to housing the security gets high.

Moderator: Ellen

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The Ships

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No New Posts The Red Sea

This ship belongs to the imfamous Captain Grey Withers. He is one of the most feared pirate captains this side of the seven seas. All who mess with him meet his sword.

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No New Posts The Hedonist

In traditional Spanish design the ship also has experimental features which make it unique to all that sail the sea. Three masts and four cannons the ship isn't built for waring. She belongs to Captain Redlocks and his crew of ship-shape misfits.

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Off topic

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No New Posts Enough about him lets talk about me

Lets hear about you!
Drop by and say hi

If your leaving drop us a note too so we can be sad D=

Moderator: Ellen

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No New Posts Creative Cats always have eachothers back

Are you artistic? can you write poems? Lets hear/see it here =D
also you can post requests for siggies and avis here.

Moderator: Ellen

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